
Advent magic with poinsettias. Floral Advent decorations you can make at home

With their colourful, star-shaped bracts, poinsettias add a festive glow to Advent wreaths, calendars and flower arrangements. Cut poinsettias and mini-plants, especially, are ideal for making creative arrangements. The experts at Stars for Europe (SfE) showcase a range of  poinsettia Advent decorations in various styles that are simple to recreate.

Poinsettia baking tray Advent arrangement

Little effort, big impact: this Advent decoration project (left)  is super easy to make. Simply plant up a bowl with colourful mini poinsettias, add four taper candles and place in a bright spot, protected from cold and draughts.Water the mini poinsettias regularly from above.

Tip: A drainage layer at the bottom of the bowl will protect the plants from getting waterlogged.

A modern interpretation of a traditional Christmas decoration: In addition to cut poinsettias, eucalyptus and coloured reindeer moss (Cladonia rangiferina), this wreath (right) , based on a floral foam ring, features artificial berries and twigs. Paired with twisted taper candles in pastel blue, this Scandi-style design will brighten up any room.

Important: Soak the foam thoroughly before inserting the cut poinsettias.

Modern wreaths with colourful poinsettias

Left:  An unusual wreath in warm terracotta, salmon and red tones looks sophisticated and rustic at the same time.

To create this natural centrepiece, add four candle holders to a straw wreath frame and attach small terracotta pots all around it, using hot glue.

Glue dried roses and pine cones between the pots.

Finally, place mini poinsettias, dried banksia and dried protea heads in the pots and add taper candles to the candle holders.

Right:  A rustic, Scandi-style Advent wreath made from cones and red poinsettias is both traditional and modern.

This natural decoration project can be created in just a few steps. First, place a cone wreath on a plate or in a shallow bowl.

You can either buy the wreath ready-made or make it yourself using a straw wreath frame, cones and hot glue. Insert four candle holders into the frame.

Place mini poinsettias in pots in the centre of the wreath and decorate the whole thing with a few spruce and fir branches. Finally, place the candles in the holders.

Ein rustikaler Adventskranz mit roten Weihnachtssternen und grünen Kerzen, umgeben von natürlichen Tannenzapfen.

Left:  Floating above the table, this elegant wreath made with cut poinsettias, coordinating dried flowers – including banksia and protea – date branches (Phoenix dactylifera), pine foliage and cones will brighten up any room.

Elegant wreaths in gold and cream

For this elegant wreath on the left , a golden metal candle holder has been decorated with cream cut poinsettias and eucalyptus and acacia (Acacia Baileyana) foliage. The cut poinsettias have been placed in test tubes filled with water and attached to the metal frame with wire.

Ein eleganter Adventskranz in einer modernen Metallstruktur, verziert mit weißen Mini-Weihnachtssternen und Bändern.

The festive design on the right  consists of a gold metal candle frame filled with cream poinsettias and decorated with golden Christmas decorations, white candles and bows. Tip: Line the base of the frame with moss. This covers the plant pots and retains any surplus water.

This opulent festive wreath (left ) appears to float on the delicate golden frame, thanks to its raised position.

Decorated with cream poinsettias, pine branches, golden baubles and twisted candles, this Advent display will be the dazzling centrepiece of any room. A unique effect is created by the combination of both cut and mini poinsettias hanging from the wreath as kokedamas.

To make the kokedamas, take the mini poinsettias out of their pots, wrap the root balls with moss and secure in place with thin, golden wire.

Tip: Water the root balls of the plants thoroughly before wrapping. Later, water the mini poinsettias carefully from above or remove the moss balls regularly and place them briefly in a container of lukewarm water so they can soak it up.

Poinsettia baking tray Advent arrangement

Upcycling gives classic Christmas decorations a new look: the basis for this festive arrangement is a muffin tray. With red mini poinsettias, Advent candles (readymade sets with the numbers printed on are available in shops), baubles, cones and pine greenery, this kitchen accessory can be turned into a modern alternative to the traditional wreath in no time at all. As a craft idea, it’s great for doing with children and makes an original gift.

You will need a 12-cup muffin tray, clay, a hot glue gun and glue sticks, four red pillar candles of different heights, four red mini poinsettias, secateurs, moss, pine greenery, cones and Christmas decorations, such as small baubles and gold-sprayed mini cones.

You can also include some florist’s stub wires to attach the decorations, if necessary.

Step 1: Fill four of the 12 cups half-full with clay and insert the Advent candles, pressing lightly.

Step 2: Carefully remove the mini poinsettias from their pots and plant them in four more cups.

Step 3: Cover any visible soil and clay with moss.

Step 4: Fill the remaining four cups with moss and decorate the space between the candles and poinsettias with the pine greenery.

Step 5: Decorate your arrangement with the cones, golden mini cones and Christmas decorations. Tip: If necessary, fix in place with hot glue or stub wires, so nothing moves.

Alternative Advent designs with upcycled mugs and cups

An Advent display using poinsettias and cups or mugs makes a modern alternative to the classic wreath.

This upcycled arrangement on the left stands out for its simplicity.

Four white cups have been decorated with wire numbers, fitted with candles, planted with cream mini poinsettias and arranged in a row on a windowsill or table.

Tip: A little clay at the bottom of the cups will hold the candles in place.

Shape the numbers out of thick wire using pliers and fix in place with wires attached to them and poked into the soil

The festive design on the right  can also be created in no time using mini poinsettias, candles, cups and mugs.

The contrast between the red bracts of the poinsettias and the green crockery, as well as the different mug styles, creates a totally different look to the arrangement with the four white mugs.

Place your homemade Advent decoration in a bright, warm place away from draughts.

Water the mini poinsettias regularly from above in small doses to make sure they don’t get waterlogged.

Cut poinsettia Advent calendar

In this homemade Advent calendar on the left , the surprises are contained in 24 lovingly wrapped cardboard boxes, arranged in the shape of a Christmas tree on a shelf.

A selection of wrapping paper, colourful ribbons, pine branches and cut poinsettias in flower tubes attached to some of the presents, all create a decorative effect.

The top of the tree is a bright red cut poinsettia in a test tube filled with water, attached to the wall.

Tip: If necessary, use hot glue and/or adhesive pads at selected points to ensure the structure doesn’t collapse.

An Advent calendar in gold and cream tones looks extra sophisticated. The surprises are contained in 24 festively wrapped, numbered parcels arranged in a square.

Elegant wrapping paper and ribbons, pine branches, and cream cut poinsettias in flower tubes filled with water, all make the arrangement an elegant centrepiece in the run-up to Christmas.

Tip: If you attach the presents to a board, you can also hang up your Advent calendar.

Poinsettias as cut flowers

Poinsettias make great cut flowers with their large mock blooms and long vase life. In fresh water or soaked floral foam, cut poinsettia stems will keep for around two weeks. Immediately after cutting, place the cut stem end in hot water (around 60°C) for a few seconds, then immediately plunge into cold water.

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