Why do poinsettias make ideal autumn decorations?
Poinsettias are perfect for autumn decoration for several reasons:
- Poinsettias come in many shades. Colours have a positive influence on your mood. Red, for example, has an invigorating effect and gives you energy, while pink awakens your gentle side. Apricot tones make for a relaxing environment and, with a little yellow around, you’ll immediately look to the future with more optimism. In autumn, as the days get shorter and your mood might feel lower, poinsettias are the perfect remedy for down days and autumn blues.
- Poinsettias bring a touch of nature into your home and reduce stress. Varieties in blush tones particularly, create a feeling of comfort. This is a blessing on grey, wet autumn days when you spend more time at home.

- With poinsettias, you can create beautiful DIY and decoration ideas. Just try it and see. Our ideas are easy to make and guaranteed to boost your mood. Being creative makes you happy, we promise.
- Poinsettias work well in any living space with any style of interior.
- Poinsettias are easy to look after. With the right care, they’ll enhance your home well into the New Year.
Want to know what to look for when choosing poinsettias? Click here for our blogs on buying poinsettias and the perfect care tips . Or just watch our video on the subject. It’s called How to care for your poinsettia correctly.
When and where to buy poinsettias in autumn colours?
Classic poinsettias are usually available from the end of October. They come in many colours, sizes and growth forms. Among them are shades such as apricot, creamy white, yellow, salmon, rose or cinnamon, which are perfect for decorating in autumn.
These poinsettias have names such as “Autumn Leaves”, “Cinnamon Star”, “Lemon Snow” or “Wintersun”. Growers don’t produce many poinsettias in these warm autumnal tones, so your best chance of getting these coveted plants is at the beginning of the poinsettia season (late October to early November) in specialist retailers.

Decor and DIY ideas with poinsettias
With these stars of autumn and Christmas, you can create beautiful decor ideas and DIY projects. Be inspired. Then let your imagination take over for your own autumn decoration ideas with a plant that, until now, you really only knew as a symbol of Christmas.

DIY idea: poinsettia in cosy woollen coat
Got any scruffy old planters? Then give them a fluffy overcoat. For this upcycling idea, you’ll need disused planters, old clothes with a cosy cuddle factor, scissors, a glue gun, hot glue,buttons and poinsettias.
Here’s how to do it: Cut out sections of the clothing to fit the circumference of your planters, glue each section to a planter with hot glue and decorate them with buttons. If you have a piece of a sleeve, you can just pull it over the planter. Put the poinsettia inside and you’re done!
Tip: A candle also looks great in a jar with a wool cover, but never leave it burning unattended.
Upcycling idea: DIY poinsettia flower swing
This homemade flower swing is a fantastic feature you can easily make yourself. You’ll need three wooden hangers with crossbars, a cordless drill, screws, cords and sturdy twine.

Mini poinsettia bowl
A bowl planted with mini poinsettias makes a great feature. Combine apricot, pink and salmon mini poinsettias with ornamental foliage plants such as oxalis triangularis, painted leaf begonias (Begonia Rex) and calathea. Anyone can pull this off and it looks great, doesn’t it?
Table decoration or gift idea: autumn poinsettia bouquet
With cut poinsettias you can create special bouquets and arrangements for your home or as a gift for family or friends. In this gorgeous autumn bouquet, cut poinsettias have been combined with pine branches, eucalyptus and various dried florals, such as coloured asparagus.
Want to know how to make cut poinsettias last?
Take a look at our blog “Poinsettias as cut flowers“.

Happy Halloween with poinsettias
Poinsettias are a perfect colour match for the traditional pumpkins in Halloween decorations. Look for matching planters in specialist retailers.